Math Mania

by Varun Sharma



Math Mania is a simple, but useful educational tool to keep your arithmetic skills sharp. Math Mania produces a random set of 10 arithmetic problems(+,-,×,÷) with varying difficulties depending upon the difficulty that you select. Math Mania even keeps track of all your scores for you. Watch yourself improve your math skills.Features: *Addition *Subtraction *Multiplication *Division *4 Difficulties *Results log* *Custom Difficulty *Fireworks if you score perfect 10/10Coming up: *Better UI *Clear Logs *Simple Algebra *Celebration after getting 10/10Changelog: v0.1: Initial Release v0.2: Custom Difficulty Changed problem style(ex. "1.)5+5" to "1) 5+5" ) change results font size changed problem making algorithms -no repeats in a row -better division problems -faster load speeds Fixed extra toasting Locked Edittexts after submitted results Changed amount of questions from 20 to 10 Added Holo Theme for 3.0+ changed game UI v0.3: Bug Fixes v0.3.1 Landscape Orientation(Tablet Optimization) v0.4 Fireworks for perfect score(10/10)Note:Currently if you want to clear the logs, you have to clear the app data.Questions? Suggestions? Feedback? Post on XDA